Vision Consulting is specialized in valuations that are in line with the International Valuation Standards, European Business Valuation Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards.

Our services are characterized by world-class quality, support the Clients’ needs, considering specific characteristics of a business and its market.

We conduct business and asset valuation in the whole region – Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Bulgaria, for both international and regional clients.

Our valuations are credible at any market that recognizes professional valuation standards and with a signature of the internationally certified valuer, we provide You with a valuation that can be used both at local and international market.

Leader of our professional team, Vesna Stefanović , is an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) by American Society of Appraisers (ASA), with with 30 years of experience in valuation for the purpose of financial reporting, tax, acquisitions, organizational changes, etc. During 2000-2004 Vesna successfully managed and realized more than 50 privatizations in Serbia, and from 2005 until 2013, she was leading the Valuation & Strategy team in PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), where she was responsible for Serbian, Montenegrin, Bosnian and Herzegovinian, Croatian and Slovenian market.

Vesna Stefanović is a technical writer of the First edition of the European Business Valuation Standards (EBVS 2020) which was published by The European Group of Valuers Association – TEGoVA, which presents the highest personal contribution to the professional practice at European market.

Inspiration Depending on Your business, size and development stage, market and clients with whom you do business, challenges you face, your personal plans and development strategy, You may need valuation to:

  • Understand what is the value of Your business and how can you enhance the value of Your company
  • Ensure you have credible valuation of high quality for the financial reporting purposes
  • Have reliable basis for negotiation with strategic partners, investors bankers etc.
  • Present the market value of transactions between related parties for tax purposes
  • To get a credible base for statutory changes based on the merger, acquisition, divorce, etc
  • Analyse various scenarios for debt restructuring, measures of the Pre-pack Reorganization Plan (UPPR), negotiations with creditors